mercredi 31 août 2016

Jam Loey Rak Chapter 2

Chapter 2

 Soraya feel her bones, the man didn't have mercy, he have tied her wrist and she was in pain. She didn't know where they were going.
But she feel the sea because of the salty taste of the sea.

After she was in the arms of the man, he covered her eyes, but she feel the environnement was hot, there was cool waves. She heard some birds.
This looked like the sound of Heaven about this nature, and it's lets forget the fear and sorrow.

She feel one pain in one ass, she was furious, the guy threw her in the ground. She screamed "Crazy, pervert"

Harit looked at the women that he have tied.

Soraya say "Why have you take me to this place like this, if you want to see me Harin."

Harit answer by "This is where you will be"

Then he put his hand near the chin of Soraya and told her "I am the brother of Harin, and sometimes you mocked him"

This end of sentence Soraya have think about it, she knew about this Sansanee have tell lots of times to Harin. She feel bad because she was sad that Harin have left.

Harit saw that the face of Soraya changed and he said "You admit that you are Sansanee ?"

"If i say i'm not Sansanee would you believe me ?"

"I don't believe it"

"I want to see him, where he is ?"

Harit looked coldly to Soraya, untied her and walked out.

How come he walked out. Soraya walked for be with him, that only she do only few steps , she feel to the ground. She was stroking her feet. She said to the guy "I'm not your slave, you can't do this to me"

Harit talked to her "And i have told you that i'm not one man that you can command"

Soraya couldn't believe it. The guy was really thinking that she was one criminal but why. She had one headache because of this.
Then she said "I beg you, i'm maybe the wrong person, i have no money nothing, please let me go" and he said "I don't want money"

"Then what you want ?"

"I want Justice"

Soraya jumped from the ground and said "I have never done one bag thing, why do you have tiedme, why did you this to me ?"

He didn't answer then he leaved and Soraya said "Where are you going ? I want to see Harin"

Harit go at the cimetery, lit one incens and sat silently next to his brother gravestone and looking at the photograph on the gravestone.
"If you and i would have chat, you should have knew that one girl like Sansanee didn't deserve you"

"I will do justice to you"

Soraya wished it's was one nightmare but no "I'm considered as Sansannee, so he have the wrong person" this knowlege made her happy but scared. Pleased that he had be wrong but she was scared to death. She didn't know how to act with the man. If she can prove that he arrested the wrong girl, he would let me go.

Then she was so scared she saw one big spider.

"Help me, i don't want to die" she didn't wanted to move she was so scared.

Then the door open and one man grab the spider then Harit follow and asked "How did happen ?"

The other man was happy with one smile, he do one hand gesture. "You don't know Spider ?" then he said "This is free food"

Soraya said "You don't eat that stuff"

"This is the same as pig or other"

Then Soraya had nausea "This is not the same"

Harit was petulant and said "What is not the same ?" and also he said "You are so afraid of spiders, i should put more and you would die"

Soraya jumped and said "You are crazy"

Harit was satisfied and said "I must take advantage of Enemy weakness"

Soraya said "I am your enemy but are you really one man for put one women tied ?"

He was speechless

"If your family know about it, maybe they will be proud of you"

Then Harit retorted "But you are the best for deceive man"

Soraya said "I have never deceived anyone, Harin i have never deceived him, if you don't believe me ask him"

Harit was furious "Harin was too tame, and he fell in love with one person and he sacrified his life for this. How about you ?"

She shouted at him "I'm not her girlfriend, i want to see him. Does he know?"

Harit looked at her, he was angry. Her look and her hand could be one toy for guys like Harin. he feel so angry and he deliberately hit her nodded to her and said "He knows"

"So why he didn't come to see me?" soraya didn't understand

"Maybe he want to see you" he mocked at her

Soraya feek injuried and said "You lie and i'm good friend to him"

"Good friend !"

He looked at her angry. Harin have sacrified his life and she tell him that they were only friend. This was not worth it.

He untied Soraya and grab her hand and they go outside.

"I'm in pain, where you would take me ?"

"Hurry !"

He dragged her to the pied and let go of Soraya, she almost fell. "For any harm to my brother, i pay for him"

She feel so helpless "If you arrested the wrong girl, what are you gonna do ?"

"I will not let you go, if i have arrested the wrong girl, i would buried you here, then go catch the good women" Soraya was intimidated.

Then Harit hold Soraya chin "Sansanee, i'm your master, i have the decision you have no right of appeal"

"That not fair"

"Yes but you can't claim fait, because you are my defendant"

He put her at the pier under the bridge

"Sansanee this is your place of execution"

Soraya looked at the bubbles of water, she was afraid and said "no, no"

She couldn't move.

The water begun to go at her tight she was rambling, she cried and prayed Harit

"Let me go, let me go home, i beg you,what you want i give you okay"

Harit looked at the face full of tears of Soraya he feel revenge and said teasingly

"You just said that you have no money, but you have change, you are one crafty woman. How can Harin would have loved you ?"

Soraya shook her hand and said "If Harin was in love of me, you should not do this to me.

Soraya was having trouble for breathe, she closed her eyes. Harit looked at her strange reacting. She was in fear.

"So you have hydrphobia ! Sansanee it's good,let the dirty water wash your body" then he was almost going

Then she looked at Harit

"Please don't go, don't throw me in here please !"

Harit have left and she was crying.

mardi 30 août 2016

Jam Loey Rak - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 


The spray of water was here with the soap it's helped Sansanee for relax her body, the hot water was for all the body. Everyone say that she had one beautiful body and many curves that lots of men liked about it.

Soraya have prepared her bathrobe, she even give her one towel for wipe her face. She also helped her for holding the slippers.Then give back the towel to Soraya.
"Thank you Soraya, no one knows more about me thant you" say Sansanee smiling

Soraya have barely smiled or speak about this. She didn't answer and Sansanee add "How, you look nothing spiritual, or..."

Then she looked at Soraya "Or you are tired of serving me ?"

Soraya answer by "No, I just..." then Soraya looked at Sansanee and choice her words carefully "I just feel a little lonely".

Sansanee smiled and say " You just graduated, you will not do homework or do dessert, you can spend your housekeeping unprofessional and my mom and dad will be happy"
Sansanee turned to arrange her hair.

Then Soraya say "I want to see Harin.." and Sansanee looked coldly at Soraya, then Soraya said "Why do you think he..."

"I don't know..."

Then Soraya looked at Sansanee and she said "He was here everyday, but not anymore and you mean a lot to him"

Sansanee combed her hair and Soraya said "You left Harin, he must be very sad since he loved you..."

Sansanee stoped to combe her hair and said loudly and angry "I don't love him, he is annoying. I want to break up with him. He is like death. If he want to die,let him die..."

No one know what have happen between them but Sansanee had only "hate" and Soraya hated this, she was worried about Harin.

Soraya was the cousin of Sansanee, she lives orignaly at Chang Mai but her father died young and Soraya aunt have offer her to study at Bangkok. She accepted this but the compromise was to do housework. She became maid of Sansanee...

Harin was the friend of Soraya and Sansanee begun to like him and meet him when he was with Soraya. He was also gentle and polite, and Sansanee liked him so they started one relationship.

But after Sansanee lost interst on Harin so everytime she avoied Harin. Sansanee was so bored. She had one fight with Harin, he didn't be back to her.

Soraya was in the middle of this and couldn't say anything she is a good friend and Sansanee is like her sister. She was lost. These days was trouble.

Then Soraya leave her thought when the phone was ringing and Sansanee say "If it's Harin, tell him that i'm not here"

Soraya hated this, but Sansanee have give her one bad look "Do it". Then she sighed and she answer the phone is was not Harin, so she feel good.

The parents of Sansanee are back soon.

Sansanee asked Soraya "This year you will go back and see your mother ?"

"Yes i will be back i need to do something with her"
Soraya said.

Then Sansanee said "I will be back tonight, don't wait for me" and she left.

Soraya smiled and watcher her cousin disappeared out the door.;

For the Harin funeral, Harit came to his brother studio, the pain was really hard. His face was thinner and he had bad night.

Since thirteen years ago, the parents have left them because of traffic accident. The brothers had each other. Harit looked a lot at Harin and helped him for graduate.

He just doesn't know and doesn't understand about what have happen for that his favorite brother have commit suicide.

He looked in the studio hoping to find answer. Something caught his attention at the trash, many things was burned he asked why... Then he saw the glass window with the mark of the gun hole and it's hurt so much.
Then the sketch book, he open it and see some sketches then to the book was black wallet diary, he picked the book and read it it was the Harin diary and he stoped at the page "I loved you Sansanee..."

Harit sit on one chair and begun to be pale. The diary was not so innocent boy

"I can't live without you, you are the only girl in my life, i will always love you"

"Why do you hate me now, you should know that I would even be able to dedicate your life,

"I will let you know that our love was sincere I am the poor man . To be more sincere than you or anyone else.

"Because of you, you want me to die, I will do as you say, Sansanee"

Harit see this and begun angry then whisper the name "Sansanee" but he was shocked by everything he have read.

His brother have commited suicide because of one women.

Then the book revelead one picture of one girl who was smiling, Harin eyes was red and he knew who was the girl. For him she was like one slut. She is the murderer who killed Harin - Sansanee !

Then he said "Sansanee soon we will meet"

After her housework, Soraya dressed for be out of the house she would like to go at the school for have news about Harin.

She take one taxi but she didn't notice that in one car behind her, one man was holding a photo of her.

Soraya give at the taxi the school adress and the taxi started. She was wondering since how many days Harin was missing.

Soraya was worried about him, she knows him since so long. She didn't liked the harsh language that used Sansanee that she have tell him to die.
It's was one cold war...
Then the car slowed down and the taxi was parallel with one black car, the black car have his windows half open, and the driver was wearing dark sunglasses.

After the tunnel the driver was not driving the good way and Soraya cried "This is not the good road" he didn't listen to her she was worried.

Then she was panicking because she remember one news about missing girl, psycho killer. She open the door and jumped out. She was almost hit by one car, then she had one handkerchief near her nose.

She had one violent headache when she wake up, she couldn't do anything but she remember everything. She was not in the taxi. She was panicking because the guy was wearing dark sunglasses.

Then she cried "I need help, what do you want from me"

Then the guy stopped and Soraya shouted "Why do you want to kidnap me, let me go". The guy shouted "Shut up or i will kill you" She was shocked then she shouted "Help me" then the guy tell again "I told you to shut up, you are in trouble Sansanee"

He go out of the car and then she said "What do you have called me ?"

The man said coldly "I told you Sansanee"

Soraya said "I"m not Sansanee"

The man say "You are not Sansanee, then who are you, you are cunning, in order to protect her. But i know the people in this house and they have only one girl, many men like to be here including Harin..."

Soraya took one deep breath and asked "Do you know Harin ?" then the guy say "If you are not Sansanee how you know Harin ?" then Soraya said "He is my friend..."

The man told angrily "What friend would make him die" Soraya was suprised how he knew that Sansanee have told Harin to die.

"Harin was one friend or one friend with benefits" the man say.

Soraya listen to the guy and he was more outrageous. She said "Shut Up" then he answer "What right do you have to make me shup up. I'm not Harin that you can use by the nose"

Soraya was really panicked, looked at the man she saw anger. Who is he for kidnapp her ?

"How many guys have fall in your trap ?" he said while looked at her.

Soraya said "I never let anyone fall in love with me. I'm not like this.."

"I don't believe it" the guy shouted at her. Then she shouted "You don't believe me so why don't you was Harin who i am ?"

"I also wanted to ask him but i have changed my mind, but i will know you soon" and he grab her legs.

Soraya was screaming and tried to kick or fight and she is sitting on the floor so she took the opportunity to escape but the guy caught her.

"Let me go, if Harin know this, he will help me" Then he said "You have lots confiance but he wouldn't be against his brother"

Soraya was surprised and said "You are his brother ?" , "You didn't know he had one brother, that he could do anything for him that if you hurt him, you pay the price"
I want to see him, where he is ?"

"He is also want to see you" so she shouted "But i'm not Sansanee

He grabbed Soraya and take her tight and said "If you are not Sansanee i'm here to kill you" Soraya looked with horror the eyes of the man. Then she understood that the man have said is true, his eyes was so angry with hate. He have one heart of kill her for one reason that she didn't know.

She stopped fighting she hoped that she could see Harin and that the truth will happen.

"Take me to see Harin"

"I will take you to see you, but i will tie you for not that you go away" then he tie her. She shouted "Don't put me the blindfold..." and he said " I will put your mouth stuffed so" she was threw in the car. He started the car and drove to go.

Two unrelated people will begun to know each other, with what future will awaits for them.

lundi 29 août 2016

Jam Loey Rak - Introduction chapter

Today start the day where i begin the translation of the novel Jam Loey Rak (this is the chinese version that i translate, it's adapted and from the Lakorn with Aum & Aff where you could have some bonus scene and some scenes that didn't happen during the lakorn, and maybe some scene can make you help about the lakorn)

This is one amateur translator, so i'm sorry if many fault exist.


 Phuket, Thailand

The Sun rising shines on the sea, it's glowling. It's making the whole sea with the waves have one color very good. The mist of the morning with the white beach have some firm footprints.

The waves arrive near the beach where it's take off the footprints. We could see some shell.

One guy stopped at the beach and he was doing one regular exercice. He was muscular , he faced the sun and he made one chest exercice. He had sweat with his dark hair.

This is one charming island, far across the beach to go inside, you can see the island wood. In the jungle there is one terrace with one pavillion, with birds, chimpanzee. It's one quiet location.

In one room, there some painting, one squirel who was on the table. Harin have put the face painting on the table, the table were rested some sketch open some pages with the morning breeze where it's stay one portrait sketch who was one absolute beauty of one women, with curled hair and big eyes. And also sexy Lips.

Harin desperately looking at the women at the picture, with tears who was falling from his eyes.
Suddenly he goes forward at once and take the one picture that he have torn from his book and use a trash can. He burned it. He burned also some pictures. There were joyous.

It's was the sweet time ! Once joyous but the love is gone. Harin pick the last picture where he was crying.

The hair that he liked to touch.

Their eyes where you could see many things.

The lips where many times in his ear have whispered "Love you"

Finally all the pictures where burned, he throw everything in the trash bin with ash. He watched the last one burn.

Then he picked the pistol of his brother at his room. He raised his had,put it near is temples, with silent tears.


The bullet broke the windows, some birds have leaved with some noise. Then the man was coming from the sea with coffee, he was surprised that he put down his cup, trying to understand where the gunfire was. He discover that the gunfire was from the studio of his brother.
He have ran to his brother studio, open the door. And he saw his dear brother, down to the ground, with blood near his temples. He was surprised but he pick up his beloved brother, calling his name, but Harin never hear his voice, he had pain in the lungs and almost could not breathe. He hold Harin "Why did you do this..."


Welcome in this blog

Hello everyone,

I'm S. And i will translate some novels for you in English and French.
I start with the project Jam Loey Rak who is my favorite lakorn, and one novel exist about this lakorn.